Friday, November 03, 2006

Sewing and Mud pies

Last night I whipped up a tee from the Ottobre Creative Workshop pattern in a mad rush, as Bon needed one for school the next day. This is a 20 minutes job! Fantastic! I love this pattern!
I have some Ottobre tracing planned for the weekend.

Lots of sewing going on here!! Strip skirts and aprons.

Lil had a fun morning making mud pies with one of our other "kids", our chocolate lab. I have a feeling the poor dog may have been to eat one of the pies...labs are so patient with kids!

About Me

Crafty Mamas SHOP blog. Aussie agent for Farbenmix, Studio Tantrum, Stenzo fabric, Ottobre design. Stocking Hilco fabric, Mamu design and other cool stuff!