Thursday, October 19, 2006

I LOVE strip skirts!

Skirts galore!!! I have been making strip skirts for my girls, and now feel brave enough to make one for me! If I keep the waist fairly narrow on mine, it may be quite flattering.

These are done without a pattern, and super easy. They also look great in different fabric strips ( very Bohoemian) , so are great for using up left overs. I have been doing a simple rolled hem on the overlocker, which works well.

I am now officially out of elastic, which shows how much I have been sewing lately. AND, the new OTTOBRE is due out any day!! Woo hoo!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

I am trying to learn how to knit...I am having problems increasing. I'll keep practising! Here's a Steiner/Waldorf donkey I made. He's a big wonky, but dd loves him. Next I'll try the pig and the chooks.

Frilly pants from Ottobre 3/2006

The girls want more of these, in lime green. I will make two more of the tees and an apron each two in coordinating fabric. I think I will like these in the brighter colours heaps more: I'm not a mauve person.

I have so much sewing to do!!! And the new issue of Ottobre Design will be out soon!!

About Me

Crafty Mamas SHOP blog. Aussie agent for Farbenmix, Studio Tantrum, Stenzo fabric, Ottobre design. Stocking Hilco fabric, Mamu design and other cool stuff!